Originally Posted by CRONOS
well they got my rcon and changed the maps i banned him i think befor he could do any thing els so thats the only way to stop them is just to bann them is there like a mod that you can all like the sub fix ok well thanks for all your help hope fully they will grow up
I seriously doubt they
hacked your rcon password m8.
If at all...Its far more likely they perhaps hacked into your e-mail account (using a back door etc) and obtained the password that way.
If the guy was actually initiating console commands like map-change etc then its highly unlikely your auto-kick program would keep him out anyway, you would have to ban his subnet and thats not guaranteed ban anyway as alot of ppl will tell you in here.
Basically someone who could have the knowledge to obtain your rcon password `externally` would be serious enough to get around any ban program your using.
The best answer is to randomly alter your rcon command and only entrust it to people who contribute to the server in the first place.
Powell might have a clearer idea on this, is it possible to `hack` the server to obtain rcon or is that as unlikely as it sounds? oOo: