Reponse of my mail to EA support

but this solution don't resolv my problems)
Thank you for sending your concerns regarding Medal of Honor
While the Demo is not officially supported, I can take a look. Please take
the following steps.
First, make sure that you have closed any programs or tasks running in the
background as sometimes one of the programs can conflict with the game.
Background applications such as anti-virus programs are often the cause of
conflicts. To do this, hold the Ctrl and Alt keys down at the same time and
hit the Del key once. This will in turn bring up your Windows Task Manager.
Close all the applications that you see hear. Don't worry that you are
permanently changing your system configuration; these applications will
return when you restart your system.
Next, try lowering your audio hardware acceleration. The quickest way to
accomplish this is to run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool by clicking on your
Start button, select Run and type in "dxdiag" without the quotes. When you
click OK, DxDiag should launch. Go to the Sound tab and locate the Hardware
Sound Acceleration Level slider. Click on the indicator and drag it down to
Basic (second notch from the left). If it's already on Basic (or None), go
ahead and try raising it up to Full. There is no need to reboot for the
change to take effect, so just click Exit to close DxDiag and try running
the game again.
You may also need to update the drivers for your sound and video cards. To
update your soundcard driver, go to your sound card manufacturers web page
and download the most recent windows XP driver available for your Sound
card. To update the driver for your video card, first determine what type
of video card you have. This information is usually available in the System
control panel, in Device Manager, under the display adapters heading. Next,
try to obtain a new driver for that device from the manufacturer, either by
downloading one from the manufacturer's website or by contacting the
manufacturer of the card directly. Installing newer drivers for both of
these cards may fix your problem. If you need help installing these
drivers, please contact the manufacturer in question, as these drivers are
not our products.
If none of these suggestions help, please allow me to get a closer look at
your system configuration. There's a program called DirectX Diagnostic Tool
that will give me some information about your hardware. Go to your Start
button, click on Run and type in "dxdiag" (without the quotes). Click on OK
and then click on the Save All Information button at the bottom. This will
let you save a file called dxdiag.txt to a directory on your hard drive.
Save it to a location you will remember and please send this file as an
attachment to your next email. as an attachment to your next email.
Hopefully these suggestions will help resolve your difficulty playing the
game. Feel free to e-mail again if you have further issues.
Thank you for contacting EA Technical Support. I am sorry that you are
experiencing issues.
Simon S.
EA Technical Support
Please include all previous emails (AOL users will have to cut and paste the
contents of this email into their reply.) and refer to: for more information. If you have found a solution
other than what I have suggested, please reply with that solution so we can
better serve our customers.