This mod is something I made in 15 mins. which basicly increases the damage, increases ammo ammounts, increases zoom, increases range, and some other stuff... its server side (obviously) but check it out if you have a server or suggest it to your clan to try for like 5 mins and see if you like it.
IF you try it I would greatly appreciate feedback. I know this version will probably stink, however with feedback I can create a mod that is good! So try it out please.
Oh yeah, I was trying to name it and I was thinking well its kinda not realism... and then I had my name! Kinda not Realism. anyway.... check it out.
well guarnere, im glad u support new ppl trying to become a modder. now ill just delete that file and never even try and mod again because u r such a jerk.
i see a retard, but only when i look Lt. SnowBall [70th ID]A2. btw, by saying, and you are? i meant who the fuck are you on these forums? your not important