Originally Posted by 1944
I came up with a weapon mod idea. I have a couple of ideas that I want to run past you guys first.
1. Should I disallow partial reloads? (like the m1garand)
2. Should weaponbashing be a 1shot1kill?
3. Should I remove the health/ammo that drops after a player dies?
I'm pondering the above ideas. Give me some input. Thanks.
1. I play Raven Sheild as well and the way that game handles reloads is that you can change a partial clip for a full one but partial stays at same ammo count so sooner or later you will load a partial clip. I dont know if you can do that in AA though.
2. not one but maybe two in AA where there only the pistol you can bash with. In SH rifles should be one.
3. Health should be removed. Not ammo though if it was posible ammo should be for a specific weapons. I.E. you cant use a MP40 ammo in a Thompson etc.
This actually sounds like a cool mod something like RB with respawn.