uhmm no in reality the M1 had strengths that the mauser didnt.
1 being a larger magazine and faster rate of fire.
in reality the mauser was more powerful and more accurate. german soldiers were known to absolutely love the accuracy of their rifle. in close range those that had the superior german pistols usually used those anyways.
M1 was a good all around rifle but was not far superior to the mauser in anything except rate of fire.
also, those of us that know how to use the mauser are quite proficient with it thanks
for some info on these rifles go here for the kar98k (awsome info)
and go here for the M1 grand.
also of note for those morons like siggi. notice that at 100yards as listed on the mauser page. a 7.62 round(.318 caliber similar to the M1's .303) has a drop of .8 inches. so arguing that you dont have to calculate drop int his game for snipers is obviously a stupid argument. sorry off on a rant.