BOOM just got a job today, my first job actually
Busperson - busboy <clean tables and stuff inside the casino's buffet>
I get $6.50 an hour, which is way more than min wage at mcdonalds or anything..
Fulltime - paid every two weeks - my supervisor is a girl named amy Smile
I get two days off a week, though i don't know yet which ones they are.
I have Friday at 7pm to go in and have a 1 hour pre hire hands on training. Paid for of course.
Then beginng monday - tues - thurs and friday i have about 8 hours each day of orintation. Paid for again. Then i will start, not sure if it will be immediatly or soon there after Smile
Gotta wear uniforms though, but no biggy Smile i hear they are comfy.