I have 'em about daily...post yours. Heres one from less than 10 minutes ago:
Sargeant Duffy: Woah-ho-ho
lollipop7659 returned at 4:11:23 PM.
lollipop7659: ?
Sargeant Duffy: What should I get for my dad for Halloween?
lollipop7659: halloween?
Sargeant Duffy: Huh?
Sargeant Duffy: Oh
Sargeant Duffy: Xmas
lollipop7659: isnt it kinda late?
lollipop7659: oohhhh
lollipop7659: iono
Sargeant Duffy: You dont know much, do you?
lollipop7659: not about yur father i dont
Sargeant Duffy: ...how olds your dad?
lollipop7659: 42
lollipop7659: urs?
Sargeant Duffy: Ai, yi, yi
Sargeant Duffy: 57
Sargeant Duffy: Jeeze..when did they have you?
Sargeant Duffy: 15?
Sargeant Duffy: Yeah, anyways...
Sargeant Duffy: I pissed Adam off majorly last night
lollipop7659: what did isay
lollipop7659: *u
Sargeant Duffy: WEll, not majorly
Sargeant Duffy: Some random girl IM'd him
Sargeant Duffy: But would tell her his name
Sargeant Duffy: So I decided to cyber with her, to persuade her, you know? And he just went "DUFFY! DUFFY! STOP!"
Sargeant Duffy: Then we had an argument on who was hotter
Sargeant Duffy: I won
Sargeant Duffy: Or atleast, in my mind I did
Sargeant Duffy: I still won, though
Sargeant Duffy: So I get to talk to you allllll day tomorrow, huh>?
lollipop7659: yeah
Sargeant Duffy: Yeah!
Sargeant Duffy: We could develop our awesome relationship
lollipop7659: no!
Sargeant Duffy: and maybe sneak in some cyber-sex
lollipop7659: no!!!!
Sargeant Duffy: I know how you feel too
Sargeant Duffy: But tomorrow, that will all change!
Sargeant Duffy: You'll be hungry for me
lollipop7659: ill be hungry for turkey
lollipop7659: no duffy
Sargeant Duffy: You can pretend Im a turkey, and lick my legs instead
Sargeant Duffy: lol..hehheh
lollipop7659: ahhhhhh!
lollipop7659: duffy!
lollipop7659: stfu!
Sargeant Duffy: You rang?
lollipop7659: S-T-F-U!
Sargeant Duffy: Im deeply sorry for the inconvenience.
Sargeant Duffy: I hoped you didnt get too turned on.
Sargeant Duffy: Cause I did.
Sargeant Duffy: :-)
lollipop7659: ugh yur gross dont talk to me
Sargeant Duffy: Sure, you can talk to my equally sexy and politer twin brother
Sargeant Duffy: and who also thinks hes a wanksta
lollipop7659: shut up im leaving
lollipop7659 signed off at 4:18:56 PM.
Well...post yours. Dont make 'em up, unless their so funny that I'll puke.