02-07-2002, 10:57 AM
a question (or two) about hosting a mohaa server, concerning map rotation.
firstly, I would like to host an obj. based game. I wonder what these two parameters mean:
team win limit
map rotation time
I guess I know what team win limit is (one team wins x times, then comes next map... right?), but what about rotation time?
secondly... I'd like to make a server with maps rotating like this: obj maps 2&4 with team win limit (twl) 10, obj map 1 with twl 5 and obj 3 (omaha... which I don't like too much) with twl 3 or 4. how to do that? is there any way? right now I can only give the same twl parameter to all maps... but I don't want to play 10 rounds of Omaha!
version is 1.1
any help would be welcome.
[This message has been edited by Ever (edited February 07, 2002).]