Originally Posted by 1080jibber
why do we have so many offtopic mod's anyway?
de-mod the 3 new guys that were recently moded, are they really needed?
I think they are causing more problems than solving problems.
Ok, to answer this question for the hundredth time....we needed more mods because of BS and Zoner not being able to keep an eye on things. Plus, us mods are on at all different times hence a better job keeping things in check.
The only time a thread should be deleted and or edited is when it breaks the rules (p0rn, warez, unrelentless flaming, going waaaaay off topic, reposts) ...things of that nature. The mods should assign their names when applicable so you'd have someone to cry to when your feelings get hurt.
Does that answer everbody's question? Can we finally move forward?