Originally Posted by ElitE3D
looks ok nothing special, id get a better mapper if i was you.
Well, was only a matter of time before you came wandering into my thread. BUT, anyways, thanks for the input. Thing you have to keep in mind is that this is something that is not NEARLY done. I am sure as a modder and developer that you know the different stages that a mod goes through before completion. This map happens to be at a VERY early stage of development. Maybe, to give you a better idea of how far along this map is, I should give it a percentage. Its roughly 35% completed out of 100%. So, with that being said, next time you take a look at the pictures now and in the future, please bare in mind that they are VERY VERY early shots...and are only being structurally edited. In
essence they are only shots of the rubble being cleared and the buildings and walkway's being fixed and straight. Thanks for your comments all the same.