if i can just get some programming help, and script editing help, we can make a capture point system, that is TOTALLY unique to MOHAA. I guarantee, itll be the funnest thing youve played. its partly what gogo is talking about. and it only focuses on editing the DM maps.
ive got most of the details worked out. but what happens is. there are 4 points in the level(lets say dm2). each point is INSIDE a building/broken building. now if you want to capture that point, you go inside, use the radio, which then lowers banners down on the outside to reveal you claimed the building. whichever team has all 4 points for a yet to be determined amount of seconds, they win the round.
whenever a game starts, 2 buildings are claimed for axis, and 2 are claimed for allies, so people won't get lost, and not know where the points are. this gameplay will have a pretty mucn non-existing learning curve, since the levels are not as long and windy as dod and wolf, but smaller yet more complex, cause mohaa has the best buildings you can inhabit in any game, which will make for way fun sieges and take overs.
the gameplay will be tweaked until perfect, to make for some great competition material!
teamplay will be automatically encouraged in this mod, when your guys see those nazi banners on that building. your team will want to take it over and claim it for the allies,
and same for nazis taking over ally buildings
MSN msg me at
jonposey@hotmail.com if you think you can help. i cannot do this alone!
[This message has been edited by poseyj (edited February 11, 2002).]