Woa, dudes, game! Personally, I think that this
game is very accurate to the history that went behind it. IMO, it would be less feasible to take out the STG44, than to leave it in. This game was designed to be very realistic, but since it is a game, it has to also contain a certan ammount of fun to it as well. If you look at it, the amount of historically accurate parts of this game greatly outweigh the inaccuracies of it. If you want a completely accurate recollection of the war, there are doccumentaries that you can get to learn off of.
Now, please dont get me worng, im not knockin' your idea of having a historically accurate game, i would love one, but im just saying that its not feasibly possible to make one, since it would turn out as more of a doccumentary than any fun piece of entertainment.