Originally Posted by Eames
if there was some faggot at my school who thought he was a vampire....he would get an ass beating everyday by everyone. I would be like you fucking fagget i got some blood to drink....yours bitch. The black kids would be like "yo dog that vampire shit is whack...now id liike the shoes u got there cracka" the hispanics would be all like "donde esta el gay vampire esse".
The freaks bite ppl, and eat their own blood everyone stays away from them, but the hipanics do go up to them al ot and say "¡Usted maldice a monstruos del vampiro, cabezas de la mierda!" An to the only girl they always say "¡No aspire mi pene!"
We all tried to beat them up after school but they always hang out together bite us like police dogs and dont let go, theyve sent a bucnh of ppl to the hospital.[/quote:abd3b]
That why u go after one at a time. Follow one of those freaks home and fuck em up.